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Halloween Fun!

Not sure what you what to dress up as for Halloween? We have some ideas!

Dressing up as your favorite cartoon character or emoji can be fun and help you cure that bit of nostalgia!

Fun costume ideas:

  1. Sadness, Anger or Joy from Disney’s Inside Out

  2. Rey from Star Wars the Force Awakens

  3. Jigsaw from Saw

  4. Kuzco, Yzma, and Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove

  5. Your favorite Emoji

  6. A Stick Figure

Party Ideas:

  1. Pumpkin Carving: Get a pumpkin and a few carving tools and you’ll be having fun in no time!

  2. Cupcake decorating: Let your guests have fun decorating their own cupcake.

  3. Halloween Guess Who Game: When your guests arrive tape a piece of paper to their back with a Halloween character written on it. Have them guess whose name is on their back by asking for clues.

  4. Halloween Feel Box: Have your guests try to guess the items they touch in a box.

Creating Your Halloween Mystery Box

Find a container to put each gross item in. Some ideas for containers include:

  • Tissue boxes

  • Cereal boxes

  • Shoe boxes

  • Moving boxes

  • Old Tupperware

Cut a hole in each box big enough for a hand to reach into but small enough that you can't see the contents of the box.

You can paint it black, cover it with a sheet or spider webs or print out cool paper designs.

In your Halloween mystery box, you'll want to add a spooky or gross item. The person who puts their hand into the box should think that they are feeling something really disgusting, while actually, it's just an everyday item from your kitchen. For example, dried apricots - ears, peeled grapes - eyeballs, fuzzy pipe cleaners - spider legs, baby carrots - toes, steamed cauliflower - brains, popcorn kernels - teeth, candy corn - vampire teeth, peeled tomato - heart.

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