October 20,2017
By: Guest Writer
In the U.S. Virgin Islands it was once a requirement in the building code to construct a cistern before starting on the main house. The upside is that there is always water and it is clean rainwater. The disadvantage is that it requires an electric pump to keep water running through the house. For those in the VI who are facing up to 6 months without electrical restoration in the aftermath of hurricanes Maria and Irma there is a quick fix.
With a 12 volt marine pump, a 12 volt battery, and a 9 Watt solar panel to keep the battery charged, homeowners can use the pump to siphon water from the cistern outflow pipe. Then the water is forced into a hose outlet at a rate of 3.5 gallons per minute. Water will flow through all the house pipes and into the pressure tank which will function as if the house pump is energized. It produces good water pressure to bathe, prepare and cook food on a gas stove, and flush toilets.
Also, for comfort there are rechargeable lithium battery operated fans that not only provide refreshing cooler air, but keep mosquitoes away. This eliminates the need for insecticide repellent lotions and sprays. These fans are light weight and easy to carry from the deck and backyard and back to the bedroom and living room again. Thus, they are a good investment to use even when power is restored.
With these two simple fixes for normalized comfort, the need for running a generator non-stop is eliminated and a small quiet model will suffice to keep a refrigerator running for a few hours at a time.
Benefits of extended power outages include star gazing with no light pollution and enjoying the sunsets. Reading and board games are relaxing. It’s also nice to go to bed when it’s dark and wake up with the sun. It’s like reconnecting with our ancestors living in the 17th Century.